2018 – Year in Review

Wow. 2018 felt like a blur. A lot’s happened these last twelve months, but I’m confident in saying that it’s only the beginning.

This year was my debut year as an author. It’s been filled with ups and downs, sleepless nights and long, grueling days. It’s also been filled with many hard lessons and a profound sense of accomplishment. I published my first novel, Ranger’s Oath, in June, then went on to publish four more novels before the end of the year. I finished an entire series of books, then planned several more. I mapped out a goal for my long-term success as a writer and forged relationships with other (far more talented) sci-fi/fantasy authors. As of today, I’ve written close to 300,000 words this year, a feat that I would have never thought possible a short time ago, and (most importantly) I’ve connected with some amazing readers who have buoyed my spirits with their feedback and support.

Yes, 2018 has been a good start for my career as a novelist – but I see it as simply a foundation for something more.

This post will serve as a “Year in Review”, and will give you glimpse at what I have planned for 2019.


The Arc of Radiance dominated my schedule this year. As I said before, the bulk of my time was spent learning the ropes of indie publishing and writing this 5 book YA epic fantasy series. Here are the book names and links listed below:

  1. Ranger’s Oath (published in June)
  2. Bringers of Doom (published in August)
  3. War Echoes (published in September)
  4. Exiled (published in November)
  5. Prince of Darkness (published in December)

These books each have a piece of my heart. I know the editing in them isn’t perfect, but I am immensely proud of the story. At some point, I would love to go through with a line editor, touch them up, and possibly give them new covers as well.

Thanks for all the beta readers, reviewers, and friends who helped make these books a reality. I couldn’t have done it without you.


I have big plans for the upcoming year, and I’m very excited to give you a look at what I have in the works. Not to mention the fact that there are some unofficial cover reveals below 😊

Legion of Light

This is a prequel to the Arc of Radiance series. It takes place a thousand years before the events of Ranger’s Oath.

I’ll admit, this one has been sitting on my digital shelf for a while, now. I originally intended to make it available only to subscribers, but have since changed my mind, wanting to include it with the main series on Amazon.

Legion of Light is a novella. Expect a release early January.

Kingdoms of Iron & Stone

A story of mine called “The Wrath of Khazafel” is being included in an epic fantasy anthology by Keystroke Medium.

I’m honored to be included in this anthology with so many great fantasy writers. Also, New York Times bestselling author Michael J Sullivan wrote the forward.

Expect a release by mid/late January

Tales of Eternity

This is the first of a two-book series called Chronicles of Eternity. About six months ago, I had an idea. I thought it would be cool to write a story about a D&D campaign I had come up with. Thus, this project was born. Tales of Eternity is a collection of short stories and novellas that serves as a precursor to the full-length novel, Tears of Eternity.

Expect a February release.

Tears of Eternity

The sequel to Tales of Eternity. Tears is a fantasy/adventure novel based loosely on a D&D campaign I came up with. It follows an assassin, a warrior, and sorceress as they set out to save the world against a godlike dragon. It’s a fun little project, and I think you’ll enjoy it.

Expect a March release.

The Living Worlds

This is perhaps my most ambitious project to date. It is an epic fantasy series akin to Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere and the MCU.

The story revolves around a group of heroes set on many different worlds. Each world has its own lore and magic system, but they are all connected to one another and are involved in the same overarching plot. Each world will get its own trilogy, the first of which I plan on releasing in 2019.

I don’t want to give away too much right now, but know that the it first trilogy will be called Frostworld, and will involve Vikings, ice zombies, and Fire magic.

Expect the first book to be released sometime in April.

Superhero Trilogy

Another project I’m stoked about… my wife and I are writing a series of superhero books together! Again, I don’t want to give too much away, but know that it will be a lighthearted story of a young superhero trying to find his way in a brave new world.

Expect the first book to come out late summer/fall.

Whew! That’s all I have. Thanks for sticking with me. As you can see, things are busy on my end, but it is a labor of love. I’ve always wanted to be an author, and now I have the privilege of being able to share my stories with the world.

If you haven’t yet, please pick up the Arc of Radiance series and leave me a review. The more people review my books, the more Amazon will share them with other potential readers.

Thank you all for coming with me on this journey. I’m thrilled with the progress I’ve made and am excited for what’s to come.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!


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